Because of the natural support it provides to the body, energy5 can improve wellness and vitality for everyone, whatever their health situation and whether they are young or old. 

The user groups likely to benefit most from this incredible PEMF and multi-energy device, will be people with chronic symptoms or consistent, unresponsive pain.

The largest group in this category are clearly senior citizens, whose quality of life, immunity and independence can be compromised by the effects of poor circulation, inflammation, pain and ill health. 

Examples are oedema, type 2 diabetes, circulation, haemorrhoids, arthritis, fatigue, hypertension and many other debiliatating conditions.

The five energies that energy5 delivers into the body, provide additional support to the body’s immune system, allowing the human body to perform at a high level and better fight any issues the individual might be experiencing.

energy5 has been responsible for major improvements and significant success in the health of senior citizens. Some of the results obtained have been simply astonishing - and you can read about them on the Case Studies and Testimonials pages of this website. 

Because of the many benefits that energy5 delivers to the body, the device is attractive to many other prospective user groups, whatever their age or situation. 

One of which, that might surprise you at first are healthy amateur and professional athletes.

Asian athletes who used energy5 regularly reported that it increased the time they were able to remain well and it reduced recovery time between exercise delaying the on set of age-related frustrations and setbacks.

There are other groups, too. 

Once the incredible benefits of energy5 started to become known, forward-thinking organisations and entrepreneurs started to install the product in offices and factories for their workforce to use at break times, or before and after work. 

Impressive levels of workplace wellness were reported and this has enabled the companies and indeed the country to grow effectively and handle the massive demands on all aspects of industry and commerce. 

© energy5 2025